Enumclaw School District sought applications from citizens interested in being appointed to a committee to write the for/against statements for the King County Local Voters’ Pamphlet related to the District’s Bond ballot measure to be considered at the November 7, 2023 election. Those interested needed to email Stacey Whitten at stacey_whitten@enumclaw.wednet.edu with their name, address, phone number, and which position they represent (For/Against) by Monday, July 31, 2023 at 4:00pm.
The Board will take action on the appointments at its August 14, 2023, regular board meeting.
Bond 2023 Survey Results
The Enumclaw School District and Board of Directors express our heartfelt gratitude to every individual in our community who dedicated their time to engage in this survey and share their valuable feedback and recommendations. Your input is valued and greatly appreciated.
To view the results of the 2023 Bond Feedback Survey, visit https://5il.co/1y8af.
Thank you to those who took the time to participate in this bond process, cast your vote and allow your voices to be heard. Currently, the results are 24.78% yes (2,342 votes) and 75.22% no (7,111 votes). The February 2023 Special Election results will be certified on February 24, 2023.
Certified results are now available for our February 14 special election at https://kingcounty.gov/depts/elections/results/2023/202302.aspx.
The Enumclaw School District Board of Directors is presenting a bond to voters on February 14, 2023.
The $253 million 2023 bond is the next step in our long-range plans to improve and rebuild schools and facilities for our students, staff, and community. We believe our community deserves safe, functional, competitive, and efficient learning environments. We also remain committed to serving as good stewards of our public assets and developing strategic plans to improve our schools for today and into the future based on the highest needs of the district. The breakdown of the bond is below:
Replacement Byron Kibler Elementary with Birth to Five Center: 86 million
New Ten Trails Elementary: 72 million
Performing Arts Center: 38 million
Athletic Complex: 35 million
Safety, Security, Educational Building, and District Asset Upgrades: 22 million

Maintaining and investing in strong schools and competitive resources for students builds and supports strong communities. See what your projected tax impact will be using this calculator.
Why is the bond needed?
The Enumclaw School District School Board met regularly throughout the summer and fall to continue the important work of identifying buildings with the highest need for replacement, as well as reviewing projected growth in our district boundaries. The district also received data from building studies and surveys to determine the need for each district facility. In June and July, the school board presented three potential bond scenarios and requested participation and input on the scenarios from the community. The results of the Thought Exchange survey are available here. Based on the feedback received through the survey and through community outreach events, the board voted on and passed the bond resolution at the regular meeting on November 21, 2022. You can view the minutes of the regular board meeting here:
Enumclaw School District will have a bond on the upcoming special election on Feb. 14, 2023 to address the following areas of investment. (These areas have all been identified as areas of need and are not listed in priority order. Other district-wide maintenance and upgrades may be addressed as funding allows.)