Activities and Athletics Newsletters
The Enumclaw School District recognizes the importance of extra and co-curricular programs as a means to fully develop each and every participant, providing them with the skills necessary to be successful in school and life. We, as a district, also embrace the opportunity to engage community partners in this endeavor. As we enter each school year, the Enumclaw School District Athletics and Activities Department works actively with our community partners at each school as a means to further our ability to provide the highest quality programming for students across the district.
As booster clubs have grown, they have provided important assistance with fundraising at each school. It is important for all boosters to work with their building Athletic Director and ASB accountant about fundraising procedures and how they, as an organization, should operate. This is vital to ensure that district policy, ASB laws, and WIAA regulations are followed.
Please be aware coaches may be members of a booster club, however, they may not hold any position of authority (except advisory) within the club.