Elementary Handbook: Highly Capable

The Highly Capable program is available for students who perform or show potential for performing at significantly advanced academic levels when compared with others of their age, experiences, or environments. The Enumclaw School District identifies a need for Highly Capable services through an evaluation process that includes CogAt testing, and a collection of academic data, teacher input, and student work samples. Students may be recommended for testing by school staff, parents, or community members.  The Multidisciplinary Selection Committee considers all recommendations and reviews complete student portfolios after testing has occurred to determine a need for placement. 

Once identified, students are offered a continuum of services, from point of entry through 12th grade that may include, but are not limited to, consultation, pull-out resource classes, differentiation in the regular classroom, and acceleration. Open testing is available for any student K-12 in the fall and the spring of each school year.  All 2nd and 5th graders are screened in the spring to determine the possible need for further evaluation. Identified students in K-2 and 6-12 typically receive services within the regular classroom setting through differentiation or acceleration. All students must have a permission slip signed by a parent or guardian before evaluation or receiving services.