Enumclaw School District is happy to partner with colleges and universities to place students for observations/practicum, student teaching, and internships.

In order to be considered for placement in one of our schools, the student's university or college must contact Enumclaw's placement coordinator, Megan Judd at 360.802.7106 or via email and have the required information on file.

  • Current university contract/agreement with ESD

  • Liability insurance


Students or university advisors must submit all required documentation via email to be considered for placement:

  • University overview of the level of program being requested

  • Student's resume

  • Proof of current fingerprints 

The State of Washington requires everyone who has contact with students in a school setting to be fingerprinted before starting their assignments. Individuals will not be allowed into the classroom without proof of current fingerprints.


Depending on the student's program, ESD Human Relations and principals will work together to determine student placement based on the following criteria:

  1. Availability of qualified staff/teacher(s) in requested areas 

  2. School's availability to take a student

  3. Agreement of an individual cooperating teacher following a review of candidate materials and/or meeting

We will make every effort to place students at their requested location or with their requested mentor/principal.  If the request cannot be met, we will forward the request to all remaining schools accepting student teachers in the subject/level.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Megan Judd in Human Relations at 360.802.7106 or via email.