Eligibility to participate in each activity requires the purchase of an ASB card and a completed emergency information card.

ASB Leadership

The Associated Student Body is a yearlong activity. ASB council and representatives meet weekly or monthly to organize and implement student activities, help with school functions, boost school spirit with spirit days and generally represent TMMS' student body. In addition to spirited in-school activities, ASB supports all athletic teams and academic clubs

Chess Club

Season 3: Chess Club begins mid-winter and is open to all students who wish to learn the ancient game of chess or improve their chess skills.

We also emphasize sportsmanship in how we deal with both losing and winning. Each match ends with a handshake and congratulations. There is much to be gained by playing this game while having fun.

Knowledge Bowl

Season 2: Good at trivia? Enjoy Jeopardy? Love to show just how much you know?
Put your skills to use by joining the TMMS Knowledge Bowl Team! This academic club practices once a week from 2:45 - 4:00p.m., beginning mid-November. Knowledge Bowl competes in the Plateau League Tournament. Everyone is welcome to join!

Yearbook Club

This yearlong activity begins in the fall, and is for everyone who wants to be part of a creative team focused on compiling each year of memories into one unique keepsake album. Such a task takes every kind of talent from artistic to organizational. Have fun while offering your skills to the yearbook club.