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Employees must provide at least a 30-day notice to Human Relations before the leave begins for a foreseeable event such as the birth or placement of a child or a planned surgery. If the need for leave is unforeseeable, like an accident or sudden illness, employees must provide notice as soon as practical.
If you need a medical leave, please reach out to Enumclaw School District’s Human Relations team for the appropriate paperwork. Human Relations will be needing a Certification of Health Care Provider form completed by your doctor or your family member’s doctor. It is your responsibility to ensure the medical form is completed and returned to Human Relations 30 days in advance of your medical leave request. You can find the forms here:
Certification for EMPLOYEE medical condition
Certification for FAMILY MEMBER medical condition
For more information on Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML), Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and other leave-related information, please see Enumclaw School District’s board policy 5404. You can also visit the websites for Washington State's PFML and FMLA by clicking on the links below:
Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML)
Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
FMLA Employee Guide