November Bond 2023

Thank you voters

Thank you to voters of the Enumclaw School District for taking the time to cast your ballots to make your voices heard. The November 2023 General Election results were certified on November 28, 2023. The results are 34.92% yes (1,706 votes) and 65.08% no (3,179 votes).

Certified results are now available to view for our November 2023 election at

Why is the bond needed?

The Enumclaw School District and School Board have worked over the past several months to review the results of the February bond election and Bond Feedback Survey data. The board recognizes the concerns and feedback submitted through the survey and is presenting a revised bond proposal to voters. Based on the data received from building studies, 1,623 survey respondents, and the feedback received through the survey and community outreach, the board voted on and passed the bond resolution (resolution 113) at the regular meeting on July 24, 2023 (you can view the minutes of the regular board meeting here). It is the next step in our long-range plans to improve and rebuild schools and facilities for our students, staff, and community. This bond will address urgent aging facility needs, enhance safety and security across our district, and will provide funds to maintain existing facilities. The funding provided through this bond will ensure Enumclaw School District students have safe and effective learning spaces to reach their full potential. 

The revised bond proposal will address the following areas of investment. (These areas have all been identified as areas of need and are not listed in priority order. Other district-wide maintenance and upgrades may be addressed as funding allows.)

Projected Tax Impact

Informational Flyer

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The Enumclaw School District Board of Directors is presenting a bond to voters on November 7, 2023.

The $103 million November 2023 bond is the next step in our long-range plans to improve and rebuild schools and facilities for our students, staff, and community. We believe our community deserves safe, functional, competitive, and efficient learning environments. We also remain committed to serving as good stewards of our public assets and developing strategic plans to improve our schools for today and into the future based on the highest needs of the district.  The breakdown of the bond is below:

  • Replacement Byron Kibler/JJ Smith combined facility: $89,995,720

  • Safety and Security upgrades district-wide: $ 3,205,000

  • Priority maintenance of existing facilities: $ 9,830,000

Project Cost Distribution with pie chart showing project amounts listed in the text under About

Community Questions