ENUMCLAW, WA — The Enumclaw School District (ESD) Board of Directors received a comprehensive presentation from the Facilities Oversight for Capital Utilization and Sustainability (FOCUS) Committee at their November 18, 2024 meeting. After almost a full year of research and meetings, the committee presented its findings and recommendations to address the district’s pressing facility and enrollment needs.
Formed in February 2024, the citizens’ committee was charged with the following:
To learn about the work to date on Enumclaw School District’s long-term capital facilities plan, including planning criteria (class size, grade configuration, school size, etc.), inventory of current educational space, building standards, student enrollment growth projections, school building condition analysis and financial (debt) capacity.
To recommend a long-term capital facilities plan that meets student capacity needs and supports the goals of our strategic plan.
To provide a forum for the community to give input on a long-range capital facilities plan.
To ensure that the recommendation reflects community values and priorities.
To recommend to the school board a long-term capital facilities plan, including a scope and dollar amount for a future capital bond or levy measure for the construction and/or modernization of school facilities.
The FOCUS Committee met 13 times to study district needs and discuss viable solutions. Committee members Cathy Dahlquist and Sarah Tolbert led the board and audience through the committee’s presentation. They detailed the committee’s educational process, which included presentations from Davis Demographics, Piper Sandler, the Birth-to-Five Center, the Boundary Line Adjustment Subcommittee, and the district Facilities, Operations and Athletics Director.
Their presentation also provided a detailed summary of ESD’s facility needs and growth projections. Highlights from their presentation slides include:
Six out of nine district schools are over 40 years old, with four at the end of their lifespan that will require replacement and two approaching critical systems replacement status.
A projected 22% increase in student population over the next five years and a 36.6% increase over the next decade, driven by 18 active or planned housing developments in the area.
Black Diamond and Kibler are currently at capacity. Westwood is near capacity with current BD kids attending. This site will likely need portables by 2026. Southwood and Sunrise currently have some capacity.
Both middle schools are currently very near capacity. Thunder Mountain will require portables by 2027.
The current high school with existing portables on site could accommodate the projected growth for the next 10 years.
Dahlquist and Tolbert outlined the committee’s recommendations:
General Maintenance Capital Levy: The committee is recommending a capital levy to address critical maintenance and secure building access as soon as possible and prior to the next bond measure.
Addressing Aging Buildings: The FOCUS Committee recommends:
the Enumclaw School Board shift from the current model of small neighborhood schools to construct a larger, more flexible, and accommodating facility.
a Bond to develop a larger facility to replace Byron Kibler and Southwood no sooner than the spring of 2026.
Additional recommendations included:
Prioritizing Title IX compliance
Engage in Negotiations with the City for Athletic Facility Ownership
Exploring a Performing Arts Center partnership with the city.
Explore the interest and feasibility of a boundary line adjustment (BLA) between the Enumclaw School District (ESD) and neighboring districts, considering recent failed voter-approved bonds, community feedback, the district survey, and financial impacts.
The committee advises conducting a comprehensive survey of all Black Diamond voters to assess community alignment and behavior. The survey should ask respondents where they consider their primary community based on factors like (but not limited to):
Grocery shopping locations
Sports or recreational activities for their children/grandchildren
Socialization preferences
Where would they prefer students attend school
Board President Fisher thanked the committee for their dedication and thorough analysis. “I know there was a lot of hard work, and we certainly appreciate it,” he said. The Board plans to review the recommendations and meet with the committee at a special session on December 10, 2024.
Superintendent Shaun Carey and President Fisher concluded the meeting by presenting certificates and gifts of appreciation to the committee members, acknowledging their months of hard work and dedication.
View the full presentation to the board here: https://www.cityofenumclaw.net/CivicMedia?VID=441
View the Facilities Oversight for Capital Utilization and Sustainability (FOCUS) Committee’s full recommendation report here: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/2730/ESD/5091520/ESD_FOCUS_Committee_Report_2024.pdf