We continue to monitor the local air quality closely today. The current air quality is unhealthy and is forecasted to worsen throughout the day. ESD will be following the Washington State Department of Health guidelines for school activities to keep students and staff healthy.
Recess and/or P.E. will be indoors today at all ESD schools. Outdoor Athletic Events and Practices have been moved indoors or canceled until air quality improves.

Help Enumclaw Youth Empowered - It only takes 5 minutes to complete the survey running through November 15.
English: https://www.research.net/r/KIENEN2022
Spanish: https://es.research.net/r/KIENSP2022

We are excited to begin another year of ESD Activities and Athletics! Click on the following link to the first edition of the Activities and Athletics Newsletter for the 2022-2023 school Year.

Check out Dr. Carey's Weekly Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/5wr81

Yesterday was a GREAT start to the 2022/2023 school year!

Each Friday is staff collaboration, which means early release for students across ESD. EHS and EMS release at 1:15pm, TMMS at 1:25pm and all elementary schools Friday release time is 2:15pm.

We're thrilled to announce the new app for
the Enumclaw School District! It's everything Enumclaw SD, in your pocket.
Download for Android https://bit.ly/3xyHl4i
Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3bbmGvD

Remember To Vote!
Today is the final date to drop Primary ballots at King County Election Drop Boxes. You can find one at each of the Enumclaw and Black Diamond locations of the King County Library. Ballots must be dropped by 8pm.
You can find other drop box locations at kce.wiki/dropbox

We have officially reached the month school begins! Time to start looking ahead at important dates on the horizon for ESD students, staff and families. Please contact your school building with registration questions. Enumclaw High School office is open year round, other school building Office Managers return on Thursday, August 11.

School starts August 31, 2022. Enjoy your Summer Break!

Our Summer Food Program is available June 22- Aug 24 @ Southwood Elementary. Meal times: Breakfast 9:15-9:45 am Lunch 11:45- 12:45 pm on weekdays.