Put Away For the Day logo Information and resources for Board Policy 3245

Starting this fall, we will enforce board policy 3245, and our school will no longer allow student cell phones or personal earbuds/headphones during instructional periods throughout the school day.  

ESD Board Policy 3245: Students and Telecommunication Devices

ESD Board Policy Procedure 3245P

Grades 9-12:

EHS recognizes the importance of communication and collaboration and provides devices for students to be productive in the classroom. To keep the focus on academics and to reduce unnecessary distractions, the school enforces the following:

  • Cell phones/earbuds shall be TURNED OFF when entering the classroom.

  • Cell phones/earbuds shall be kept in a student’s backpack or a teacher-approved storage location in the classroom – not in clothing pockets.

  • Cell phones/earbuds are not allowed to be used in classrooms, the Library/Media Center, common learning areas, or restrooms during any instructional periods throughout the school day.

  • Cell phones/earbuds can be turned on ONLY during non-instructional times throughout the school day (before school, during passing periods, at break, lunch, and after school).  *If a student needs to make an emergency call during instructional time, they are to come up to the office.

Grades 6-8:

EMS and TMMS recognize the importance of communication and collaboration and provide devices for students to be productive in the classroom. To keep the focus on academics and to reduce unnecessary distractions, our middle schools enforce the following:

  • Cell phones/earbuds are not allowed from 8:00 a.m.- 2:30 p.m. (EMS) or

    8:10 a.m.- 2:40 p.m (TMMS)

  • Cell phones/earbuds shall be kept in the student’s locker.

  • Cell phones/earbuds are not allowed during non-instructional times throughout the school day (during passing periods or lunch). 

  • Cell phones/earbuds are allowed before school and after.       

  • If a student needs to make a call, they can do so at the office.

  • If parents need to get a message to their student, they can call the school office, and our staff will deliver the message to the student. 

Grades PK-5:

Elementary schools will continue to enforce this policy as stated in the elementary student handbook: All cell phones, iPods, cameras, and other electronic devices must be turned off and out of sight during the school day unless under the supervision of a staff member.  If a student wears a watch phone, it should not be used for communication, recording, or games.  After the second misuse, watch phones will need to be turned off and put in the backpack during the school day.

As always, we understand that our students have individualized needs and will provide accommodations as necessary or required on an individual basis. 

Cell Phone Procedures (Starting September 13th):

  • 1st Violation: Staff warning. The staff member will remind the student of the policy, document the warning, and connect with the caregiver/family.

  • 2nd Violation: Phone will be confiscated and turned into the office. Before being allowed to pick up their phone at the end of the day, students must discuss and review the cell phone policy with a staff member. A notation will be made in the student's school record. Refusal to give up the phone will automatically result in a 3rd violation.

  • 3rd Violation: Phone will be confiscated, turned into the office.The student’s parent or guardian will be contacted and informed of the refusal to follow the school’s cell phone policy. A parent or guardian will be required to pick up the confiscated item.

  • Subsequent Violations: Phone will be confiscated, turned into the office. The student’s parent or guardian will be contacted and informed of the refusal to follow the school’s cell phone policy. A parent or guardian will be required to pick up the confiscated item. The student and family may be asked to complete an electronic device contract and the phone/earbuds will not be allowed on campus.

Additional Research and Resources for Families: