“We are very connected to the community, we ARE the community. We really want all that is good for this community. Teaching is our way of contributing the very best we can give for our collective good.” - Amy Ihde, Enumclaw Middle School
#certificatedappreciationweek 2024

School Nurse Day is May 8, 2024! ESD is grateful for our school nurses and health room professionals!

“Something really special about teaching in the Enumclaw School District is living in the community and getting to see students outside of school. It is special to watch them grow up.” - Kris Hughes, Sunrise Elementary School

CTE and math teacher Tyler Salsbury understands the value of applied mathematics and preparing students for life in and out of school. Learn about his EHS Financial Literacy class and more at https://issuu.com/enumclawschooldistrict/docs/3_-_report_to_the_community_fall-winter-20232024/s/47530760

May 6 - 10, 2024, is Certificated Appreciation Week. Thank you to all the certificated teachers and specialists who go above and beyond for Enumclaw School District students and schools! We are grateful for you this and every week!

A reminder from the Enumclaw School District Nurse: Students cannot transport prescribed or over-the-counter medications. If a medication must be taken during the school day, please contact your building’s Health Room staff to make the proper arrangements.

May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month! While initially only federally observed for one week in May, honoring Asian-Pacific American Heritage was expanded to be observed for the entire month of May beginning in 1990. May was designated to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the US on May 7, 1843, as well as the anniversary of the transcontinental railroad's completion on May 10, 1869. A majority of workers who laid tracks for the railroads were Chinese immigrants.*
This month is an opportunity to learn more about the countless Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders who have shaped and enriched the history of the United States. You can visit the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center online to learn more.

Remember to Vote!
Ballots are due in local drop boxes by 8 PM on Tuesday, April 23, 2024.

Make sure you are prepared for current and upcoming elections with up-to-date voter registration. You can update or register now at VoteWA.gov

Enjoy Spring Break! School buildings are closed April 15 - 19, the District Office is closed on Friday, April 19. We will see you back in classrooms on Monday, April 22, 2024.

The month of April is School Library Month! ESD libraries are more than a place to check out books! School libraries and their Library and Media educators create a welcoming environment for students to grow, learn, connect, and feel empowered. Please help show appreciation for the school librarians/media specialists and paraeducators across the district this, and every month.

April 1, 2024, is World Autism Day, which kicks off World Autism Month! This honorary month is a time to raise awareness for and gain a better understanding of autism and those with autism in our greater community. You can learn more and locate resources from the National Autism Association at https://nationalautismassociation.org/

For over 30 years April has been recognized as Arab-American Heritage Month in the United States. We encourage you to take time this month to celebrate the history, culture, art, and people of the Arab-American community. You can learn more by visiting the Arab American Institute at https://www.aaiusa.org/

April is Celebrate Diversity Month. In the Enumclaw School District, every voice matters, every story heard, every path appreciated. Join us this month as we celebrate our shared commitment to understanding and unifying the communities and cultures that makeup ESD. #learnleadimpactESD
“Diversity is not about how we differ. Diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness.” Ola Joseph

There is no school today because the District has not missed any days of school due to snow. Enjoy the long weekend!

Hello, longer days!
Spring officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere this evening! This means that from now until the Summer Solstice in June we will have at least 12 hours between sunrise and sunset.

REMINDER: There is no school on Friday, March 22, 2024, because the District has not missed any days of school due to snow.

Don’t forget to return your ballots to a King County Dropbox or have them postmarked by today, March 12, 2024, by 8:00 pm. Learn more about the Presidential Primary Election process at https://kingcounty.gov/en/legacy/depts/elections/elections/current-elections/march-presidential-primary.aspx

Please join ESD's Director of Teaching and Learning for a Parent Preview of the Middle School Math Curriculum.
Thursday, March 14th
5:00 - 6:00 PM at the District Office Board Room
Learn about the Instructional Materials for Mathematics in grades 6-8 including how to access them from home.

Let’s celebrate the amazing Education Support Professionals in ESD!
March 11 - 15, 2024 is Education Support Professionals Week. From bus drivers to custodians, nutrition services to grounds crew, office staff to technology, and everyone in between - your dedication ensures students in ESD have a safe, supportive, and enriching environment to learn and grow. Thank you for your passion and commitment to education. #ESPweek2024